Past Film Festivals
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33rd World Community Film Festival – Feb 2nd & 3rd, 2024.
A Hybrid Festival (in-person or virtual).
World Community Virtual Film Festival took place Feb. 15 – 18, 2024
Friday, February 2 – 730pm – Sid Williams Theatre
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Saturday, Feb. 3 – Sid Williams Theatre (SID)
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Saturday, Feb. 3 – Florence Filberg Rotary Room (FFR)
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Saturday, February 3 – 8pm – Sid Williams Theatre

Yalis Rising: Celebrating the T’lisalagi’lakw School – 11:30 am UNS 29 min.
Yalis Rising: Celebrating the T'lisalagi'lakw School Saturday Films 11:30 am UNS 29 min. 2020 Produced by 'Namgis First Nation Filmmaker: Ed Carswell Filmmaker attendingConceived and built by the 'Namgis First Nation, the...

Five Acres – 11:30 am LNS 30 min.
Five Acres Saturday Films 11:30 am LNS 30 min. 2019 Manly Media Filmmakers: Paul Manly & Laurie Mac Millan Filmmaker attendingThe Five Acre Farm in the Harewood area of Nanaimo has a long history of producing local food. It's one of the last intact farms in...

Hayashi Studio – 11:35 am FFR 25 min.
Hayashi Studio Saturday Films 11:35 am FFR 25 min. 2019 Filmmaker: Hayley Gray Filmmaker will be in attendance.Hayashi Studio follows the diverse lives that came to Cumberland BC in the 1900s and Senjiro Hayashi, the Japanese photographer who...

Tree of Life and Its People – 12:10 pm UNS 25 min.
Tree of Life and Its People Saturday Films 12:10 pm UNS 25 min. 2019 Spartan Media Group Filmmaker: Ria and Lee Milliken Renowned First Nations carver and multimedia artist Rande Cook says “This story is about our land and all that comes from it... as...

Way of the Hunter – 12:15 pm LNS 17 min.
Way of the Hunter Saturday Films 12:15 pm LNS 17 min. 2019 NFB Filmmaker: Robert Moberg Deep in the Great Bear Rainforest, against the backdrop of British Columbia’s breathtaking wilderness, a former hunter comes to terms with his past and looks with hope...

Beauty – 12:15pm FFR 23 min.
Beauty Saturday Films 12:15 pm FFR 23 min. 2017 NFB Filmmaker: Christina Willings Beauty explores the lives of five gender-creative kids, each uniquely engaged in shaping their own sense of what it means to be fully human. Whether it’s dealing with...

Family Films – 1:00pm Lower Sid
Family Films 1:00pm – 2:30pm Lower SID (Fountain Area) Leon in Wintertime 27 min. By Pierre-Luc Granjon & Pascal Le Notre In this puppet animation we meet Léon, an 8-year-old adopted bear suffering from an identity crisis. The distraught cub runs away from home...

Nae Pasaran! – 1:00 pm SID 96 min.
Nae Parsaran! Saturday Films 1:00 pm SID 96 min. 2018 Filmmaker: Felipe Bustos Sierra https://naepasaran.comNae Pasaran! reveals the incredible impact made by Scottish factory workers 40 years ago against the repressive dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet. In 1974,...

PUSH – 1:00 pm UNS 92 min.
PUSH Saturday Films 1:00 pm UNS 92 min. 2019 Blue Ice Docs Filmmaker: Fredrik Gertten Housing prices are skyrocketing in cities around the world. Incomes are not. PUSH sheds light on a new kind of faceless landlord, our increasingly unlivable cities and an...

nîpawistamâsowin: We Will Stand Up – 1:00 pm LNS 99 min.
nîpawistamâsowin: We Will Stand Up Saturday Films 1:00 pm LNS 99 min. 2019 NFB Filmmaker: Tasha Hubbard On August 9, 2016, a young Cree man named Colten Boushie died from a gunshot to the back of his head after entering Gerald Stanley’s rural property...

The Whale and the Raven – 1:00 pm FFR 100 min.
The Whale and the Raven Saturday Films 1:00 pm FFR 100 min. 2019 NFB Director: Mirjam Leuze Drawn to the rich food sources and quiet waters in the Kitimat fjord system, humpback whales, pods of orca, fin whales, and porpoises eat, play, and raise their young....

Emergency Brake – 3:00pm FFR
Emergency Brake Saturday Films 3:00pm FFR 4 min. 2019 Filmmaker(s): Macy How and the PRDFS class of 2019 Don’t miss this award-winning animation done by students at the Powell River Digital Film School. Using a speech by Greta Thunberg as the audio, this film...

The Guardians – 3:00 pm SID 60 min.
The Guardians Saturday films 3:00 pm SID 60 min. 2018 Filmmakers: Ben Crosbie & Tessa Moran A visually dazzling meditation on the delicate balance between humans and nature, The Guardians elegantly interweaves the lives of the iconic monarch butterfly...

Wilder Than Wild: Fires, Forests & the Future – 3:00 pm UNS 57 min.
Wilder Than Wild: Fires, Forests & the Future Saturday Films 3:00 UNS 57 min. 2018 Filmmaker: Stephen Most & Kevin White www.wilderthanwildfilm.orgWilder Than Wild recounts recent California megafires, revealing how fuel build-up and climate change have...

Doctrine of Discovery: Stolen Lands, Strong Hearts – 3:00 pm LNS 66 min.
Doctrine of Discovery: Stolen Lands, Strong Hearts Saturday Films 3:00 pm LNS 66 min. 2019 Anglican Church of Canada Filmmaker: Lisa Barry The Doctrine of Discovery, proclaimed over 500 years ago, continues to profoundly impact Indigenous and Settler people...

Fashion’s Dirty Secrets – 3:05pm FFR 47 min.
Fashion's Dirty Secrets Saturday Films 3:05 pm FFR 47 min. 2019 BBC Filmmaker: Lucy Siegle ‘Fast fashion’ has taken the clothing industry by storm. Retailers churn out affordable versions of the latest fashions from the runway to the store shelf, and we’re...

2040 – 4:10 pm UNS 92 min.
2040 Saturday Films 4:10 UNS 92 min. 2019 LevelFILM Filmmaker: Damon Gameau Award-winning director Damon Gameau embarks on a journey to explore what the future would look like by the year 2040 if we simply embraced the best solutions to the climate crisis...

Assholes: A Theory – 4:15 pm FFR 81 min.
Assholes: A Theory Saturday Films 4:15 pm FFR 81 min. 2019 NFB Filmmaker: John Walker Some grapple with the challenge of treating other human beings decently. Others are just… assholes, claims Professor Aaron James in his New York Times bestselling book,...

Finding Solitude – 8:00 pm SID 22 min
Finding Solitude Closing Night 8:00 pm SID 22 min. 2019 Filmmakers: Jaiden George & Tristan Hinder-Hohlweg Filmmakers attending. Finding Solitude is about saving the alpine, glaciers and forests on Vancouver Island....

From Seed to Seed – 8:00 pm SID 87 min.
From Seed to Seed Closing Night 8:00 SID 87 min. 2017 Bullfrog Films Filmmaker: Katharina Stieffenhofer In Southern Manitoba,Terry and Monique are pouring their hearts into a small, ecological farm. In love with the land, their methods are derived from...
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The Superfood Chain – 10:00 am LNS 70 min.
The Superfood Chain Saturday Films 10:00 am LNS 70 min. 2019 Fathom Film Group Director: Ann Shin The Superfood Chain explores the story behind the rise of superfoods like quinoa, teff, coconuts, and wild salmon, revealing the ripple effect the superfood...

Up, Down, and Sideways – 10:00am FFR 83 min.
Up, Down, and Sideways Saturday Films 10:00 am FFR 83 min. 2017 Collective Eye Filmmaker: Anushka Meenakshi & Iswar Srikumar Phek is a village in the Indian state of Nagaland near the border with Myanmar, with around 5,000 inhabitants, nearly all...

Eating Up Easter – 10:00 am UNS 76 min.
Eating Up Easter Saturday Films 10:00 am UNS 76 min. 2019 Kartemquin Films & Plastic Oceans Int’l Director: Sergio M. Rapu The iconic statues and sensationalized "mysteries" of Easter Island (Rapa Nui) have drawn the interest of the world for...

1948: Creation and Catastrophe – 10:00 am FFR 85 min.
1948: Creation and Catastrophe Saturday 10:00 am FFR 85 min. Collective Eye Distribution, 2018 Director: Andy Trimlett & Ahlam Muhtaseb Through riveting and moving personal recollections of both Palestinians and Israelis, 1948: Creation & Catastrophe reveals...

Fertile Ground: Brewing Change in Northwest India – 11:30 am UNS 5 min.
Fertile Ground: Brewing Change in Northwest India Saturday 11:30 am UNS 5 min., 2018 Filmmakers: Tom & Amy Skelton Since 2003, Fertile Ground East/West Sustainability Network has provided educational and technical support to farmers and...

Nothing Without Us: The Women Who Will End AIDS – 11:30 am LNS 67 min.
Nothing Without Us: The Women Who Will End AIDS Saturday 11:30 am LNS 67 min. Women Make Movies, 2017 Filmmaker: Harriet Hirshorn This is the story of the inspiring women at the forefront of the global AIDS movement. Combining archival footage and interviews with...

Kus-Kus-Sum: Unpave Paradise – 11:35 am FFR 7 min.
Kus-Kus-Sum: Unpave ParadiseSaturday 11:35 FFR 7 min., 2018 Filmmaker: Jessica SpeckThe community of the Comox Valley is banding together to tackle a large and ambitious restoration project - unpaving paradise at Kus-Kus-Sum. The project aims...

Cooperativa: La Lucha Sigue – 11:40 am UNS 40 min.
Cooperativa: La Lucha Sigue (The Struggle Continues) Saturday 11:40 am UNS 40 min., 2018 Filmmaker: Ed Carswell Produced by World Community, Cafe Etico & Journey to organic coffee farms in the jungle highlands of Nicaragua...

Interspecies Relationships – Shorts – 11:45 am FFR 45 min.
Interspecies Relationships – Shorts Program - FFRPacific Herring: Small Fish, Big Problem 11:45 am - 10 min. Lotus Eater Pacific Herring need our help if we are to save the salmon, killer whales and other marine species in the Salish...

Haiti Betrayed – 12:55 pm FFR 90 min.
Haiti BetrayedSaturday 12:55 pm FFR 90 min. 2018 Director: Elaine BriereHaiti Betrayed is a point-of-view documentary revealing how Canada, in contravention of international law, allied with the US and France to overturn the democratically elected government in Haiti...

Defiant Lives – 1:00 pm UNS 85 min.
Defiant Lives Saturday 1:00 pm UNS 85 min. Women Make Movies, 2017 Filmmaker: Sarah BartonDefiant Lives is a triumphant film that traces the origins of the worldwide disability rights movement. It tells the stories of the extraordinary individuals who bravely put...

WAJD: Songs of Separation – 1:00 pm LNS 88 min.
WAJD: Songs of Separation Saturday 1:00 pm LNS 88 min., 2018 Director: Amar Chebib Wajd: Songs of Separation introduces us to three men—Ibrahim, Abdulwahed, and Mohamad—all talented musicians, who have fled war-torn Syria and are re-assembling their...

Treeline – 1:00 pm SID 40 min.
Treeline Saturday 1:00 pm SID 40 min. Patagonia, 2018 Director: Jordan ManleyTreeline celebrates the forests on which our species have always depended, and around which some skiers and snowboarders have based their entire lives. Follow a group of snow-seekers,...

Save Space Nugget – 1:45 pm SID 41 min.
Save Space Nugget Saturday 1:45 pm SID 41 min. 2017 Director: Trish Neufeld Save Space Nugget is the story of the determined community of Cumberland coming together to save their forest from the timber company who intended to harvest it for profit. It’s a David and...

Family Venue Films – 1pm – 2:30 pm Lower SID
Family Films 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm Lower SID Theme: Trees & ForestsOne Forest in the World 6 min. A film by Fox & Bee Studio Young members of the Cumberland community share how the Cumberland Community Forest is a part of their lives and why they value this...

Dust n’ Bones – 2:40 pm LNS 45 min.
Dust n' BonesSaturday 2:40 pm LNS 45 min. Less Bland Productions, 2018 Director: Leslie Bland Dust n' Bones examines the challenges and mysteries of dealing with the discovery, preservation, and re-interment of First Nations artefacts and remains. These themes are...

Celling Your Soul – 2:40 pm FFR 48 min.
Celling Your Soul Saturday 2:40 pm FFR 48 min. McNabb/ Connolly, 2017 Filmmaker: Joni Siani Celling Your Soul is a powerful and informative examination of how young people actually feel about connecting in the digital world and their love/hate relationship with...

Metamorphosis – 2:45 pm SID 95 min.
Metamorphosis Saturday 2:45 pm SID 95 min. NFB, 2018 Filmmakers: Nova Ami & Velcrow Ripper A poem for the planet, Nova Ami and Velcrow Ripper’s film Metamorphosis takes the pulse of our earth and bears witness to a moment of profound change: the loss of one...

Ecology Transforms Youth – 2:45 pm UNS 35 min.
Ecology Transforms Youth Saturday 2:45 pm UNS35, 2018Filmmaker: Ed Travel with several youth as they explore the rivers and estuaries of the Comox Valley. Created by Wendy Kotilla in 2004, the Youth & Ecological...

Call of the Forest: The Forgotten Wisdom of Trees – 3:40 pm UNS 52 min.
Call of the Forest: The Forgotten Wisdom of Trees Saturday 3:40 pm UNS 52 min. Treespeak Films, 2018 Director: Jeff McKay We follow visionary scientist, conservationist and author, Diana Beresford-Kroeger, on her journey to the most beautiful forests of the northern...

Being the Change: A New Kind of Climate Documentary – 3:40 pm LNS 58 min.
Being the Change: A New Kind of Climate Documentary Saturday 3:40 pm LNS 58 min., 2018 Filmmakers: Mary Grandelis and Dave Davis Is it possible to move away from fossil fuels and live a more joyful life? That is the question NASA atmospheric...

The Radicals – 3:40 pm FFR 55 min.
The Radicals Saturday 3:40 pm FFR 55 min., 2018 Filmmakers: Brian Hockenstein & Tamo Campos With breathtaking cinematography, The Radicals follows four snowboarders and surfers driven to become social and environmental stewards through...

Satan & Adam – 4:40 pm UNS 80 min.
Satan & Adam Saturday 4:40 pm UNS 80 min. Cargo Film and Releasing, 2018 Filmmaker: Scott Balcerek Sterling Magee experienced firsthand the music industry’s exploitation of black musicians. So he walked away to play music on the Harlem streets. Re-inventing...

Holly Near: Singing for Our Lives – 4:45 pm FFR 63 min.
Holly Near: Singing for Our Lives Saturday 4:45 pm FFR 63 min., 2018 Director: Jim Brown Singer, songwriter and social activist Holly Near has been performing for over 50 years and in the process created what Gloria Steinem called, “the first...

Gurrumul – Friday 7:30 pm SID – 100 min.
Gurrumul Opening Night 7:30 SID 100 min. Blue Ice Docs, 2018 Director: Paul Damien Williams Celebrated by audiences at home and abroad, indigenous artist Geoffrey Gurrumul Yunupingu was one of the most important and acclaimed voices to ever come out of Australia....

The Reluctant Radical – 10:00 am UNS 77 min.
The Reluctant Radical Saturday 10:00 am UNS 77 min. 2018 Director: Lindsey Grayzel If a crime is committed in order to prevent a greater crime, is it forgivable? Is it, in fact, necessary? The documentary, The Reluctant Radical,...

Love and Bananas: An Elephant Story – 10:00 am LNS 75 min.
Love and Bananas: An Elephant Story Saturday 10:00 am LNS 75 min. Cargo Film and Releasing, 2018 Director: Ashley BellCinematography: Van Royko Elephant rescues in Thailand are rare, unpredictable and often life-threatening. There is no need to abuse an elephant to...

Soufra – 8:40 pm SID 72 min.
Soufra Closing Night 8:40 pm SID 72 min. Hydro Studios, 2018 Director: Thomas MorganExecutive Producer: Susan Sarandon Soufra follows the inspirational story of intrepid social entrepreneur Mariam Shaar, a refugee who has spent her entire life in the 69 year-old Burl...

Footprint: Population, Consumption and Sustainability – 11:35 am LNS – 82 min
Footprint: Population, Consumption and Sustainability Saturday 11:35 am LNS 82 min. Women Make Movies, 2017 Director: Valentina Canavesio Footprint takes a dizzying spin around the globe, witnessing population explosions, over-consumption, limited resources, and...

The Silent Land – 11:40 am SID – 75 min
The Silent Land Saturday 11:40 am SID 75 min. 2017 Director: Jan Van den Berg In Cambodia, more and more fertile land is being taken over by large-scale farming industries while small-scale farmers are fighting to keep ownership of their land in order to maintain...

19 Paper Cranes – 11:45 am FFR – 6 min
19 Paper Cranes Saturday 11:45 am FFR 6 min. L'Arche International, 2017 Director: Michael Joseph On July 25th, 2016, a young man attacked a centre for people with disabilities in Japan, killing 19 and wounding 26. He had sent a letter to the president of the Japanese...

Seeking Wisdom: Students & Elders in the Sea to Sky – 11:50 am UNS – 24 min
Seeking Wisdom: Students & Elders in the Sea to Sky Saturday 11:50 am UNS 24 min. © Squamish Nation & School District 48, 2017 Director: Ed Carswell Students from School District 48's Aboriginal Leadership Group travel...

Love the Sinner – 11:55 am FFR – 17 min
Love the Sinner Saturday 11:55 am FFR 17 min. Women Make Movies, 2017 Filmmakers: Jessica Devaney & Geeta Gandbhir This is a personal documentary exploring the connection between Christianity and homophobia in the wake of the 2016 shooting at Pulse nightclub in...

116 Cameras – 12:15 pm FFR – 16 min
116 Cameras Saturday 12:15 pm FFR 16 min. Birdling Films, 2017 Director: Davina Pardo As the Holocaust survivor community ages, the Shoah Foundation, in collaboration with the University of Southern California's Institute for Creative Technologies, has embarked on an...

Link Arms with Us – 12:30 pm UNS – 5 min
Link Arms with Us Saturday 12:30 UNS 5 min. Council of Canadians Comox Valley Chapter, 2017 Video footage by Clayoquot Action and Sea Wolf Adventures Post production: In late August, 2017, First Nations leaders and members of the 'Namgis, Mamalilikala,...

Water Warriors – 12:35 pm UNS – 22 min
Water Warriors Saturday 12:35 pm UNS 22 min. Storyline Inc., 2017 Director: Michael Premo Water Warriors is the story of a community’s successful fight to protect their water from the oil and natural gas industry. In 2013, Texas-based SWN Resources arrived in New...

WAJD: Songs of Separation – 1:00 pm LNS 88 min.
WAJD: Songs of Separation Saturday 1:00 pm LNS 88 min., 2018 Director: Amar Chebib Wajd: Songs of Separation introduces us to three men—Ibrahim, Abdulwahed, and Mohamad—all talented musicians, who have fled war-torn Syria and are re-assembling their...

Treeline – 1:00 pm SID 40 min.
Treeline Saturday 1:00 pm SID 40 min. Patagonia, 2018 Director: Jordan ManleyTreeline celebrates the forests on which our species have always depended, and around which some skiers and snowboarders have based their entire lives. Follow a group of snow-seekers,...

Save Space Nugget – 1:45 pm SID 41 min.
Save Space Nugget Saturday 1:45 pm SID 41 min. 2017 Director: Trish Neufeld Save Space Nugget is the story of the determined community of Cumberland coming together to save their forest from the timber company who intended to harvest it for profit. It’s a David and...

Family Venue Films – 1pm – 2:30 pm Lower SID
Family Films 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm Lower SID Theme: Trees & ForestsOne Forest in the World 6 min. A film by Fox & Bee Studio Young members of the Cumberland community share how the Cumberland Community Forest is a part of their lives and why they value this...

Family Venue Films – 1:15 pm – 2:45 pm Rotary Room – “Critters”
Family Films 1:15pm – 2:45pm Rotary Room - “Critters” Free for children, $5 for adults without a pass (children must be accompanied by an adult) The Story of Flowers 4 min. Produced by AMKK Director: Azuma Makoto Illustrator: Katie Scott Animator: James Paulley Many...

Birthright: A War Story – 1:15 pm LNS – 100 min
Birthright: A War Story Saturday 1:15 pm LNS 100 min. Women Make Movies, 2017 Director: Civia Tamarkin In the US today, a radical movement has tightened its grip on state power, seeking to control whether and how women bear children. In this crusade,...

Finding Kukan – 3:05 pm SID – 75 min
Finding Kukan Saturday 3:05 pm SID 75 min. New Day Films, 2015 Director: Robin Lung In the late 1930s China is in dire straits. The country will collapse under Japan’s military juggernaut if it doesn’t get outside help. Chinese American firebrand Li Ling-Ai jolts...

Vancouver: No Fixed Address – 3:05 pm UNS – 75 min
Vancouver: No Fixed Address Saturday 3:05 pm SID 75 min. Shore Films, 2017 Director: Charles WilkinsonWhat’s going on with exploding housing costs in key cities around the world? Vancouver: No Fixed Address focuses on the global housing bubble in a city often voted to...

Children of Redress – 3:05 pm UNS – 18 min
Children of Redress Saturday 3:05 pm UNS 18 min. 2013 Director: Greg Masuda In 1942 the Canadian government ordered the uprooting of 22,000 men, women and children in one of the nation's largest and cruelest dispossession and dispersals ever. A generation later,...

The Hands That Feed Us – 3:05 pm FFR – 16 min
The Hands That Feed Us Saturday 3:05 FFR 16 min. 2017 Director: Devon CookeFirst and foremost, a farm is a business, but it takes more than just business sense to run a successful farm. Amara Farm succeeds because it’s a marriage. Love and dedication to the land, and...

A Silent Transformation – 3:25 pm FFR – 55 min
A Silent Transformation Saturday 3:25 pm FFR 55 min. Powerline Films, 2017 Filmmakers: Simon Brothers, Luke Mistruzzi, Anton Smolski, & Mark Preston This is a film about the transformative power of the co-operative enterprise model. The co-op...

The Right to Remain – 3:30 pm LNS – 45 min
The Right to Remain Saturday 3:30 pm LNS 45 min. 2015 Director: Greg MasudaThe Right To Remain is a look at Vancouver's Downtown Eastside residents and their fight to save their community from development. The documentary is told from a Japanese-Canadian perspective...

Rebels On Pointe – 4:30 pm UNS – 89 min
Rebels On Pointe Saturday 4:30 UNS 89 min. 2017 Director: Bobbi Jo Hart Exploring universal themes of identity, dreams and family, Rebels on Pointe celebrates the world famous Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo. The notorious all-male, comic, drag ballet company...

Evolution of Organic – 4:30 pm FFR – 87 mins
Evolution of Organic Saturday 4:30 pm FFR 87 min., 2017 Director: Mark KitchellThis is the story of organic agriculture, told by those who built the movement. A motley crew of back-to-the-landers reject chemical farming and set out to...

Dolores – 8:00 pm SID – 98 mins
Dolores Closing Night 8:00pm SID 98 min. PBS Distribution, 2017 Director: Peter Bratt Producer: Carlos Santana Dolores Huerta is among the most important, yet least known, activists in American history. An equal partner in co-founding the first US farm workers' union...

True Conviction – 10:00 am LNS – 84 min
True Conviction Saturday 10:00 am LNS 84 min. Film Collaborators, 2017 Director: Jamie MeltzerThere's a new detective agency in Dallas, Texas, started by three exonerated men, with decades in prison served between them. True Conviction is a character-driven...

Pre-Crime – 10:00 am FFR – 88 min
Pre-Crime Saturday 10:00 am FFR 88 min. Rise and Shine, 2017 Directors: Monika Hielscher & Matthias Heeder What if tomorrow's murders could be prevented today? To predict a future crime scene and to prevent a murder seems like something from a sci-fi movie. To...

Denial – 10:00 am UNS – 92 mins
Denial Satuday 10:00 am UNS 92 min. McNabb /Connolly, 2016 Filmmaker: Derek Hallquist Every day our changing climate pushes us closer to an environmental catastrophe, but the problem is easy to ignore. We often find it difficult to face change. We'd rather be in...

Seeds of Justice: In the Hands of Farmers – 10:00 am LNS – 37 min.
Seeds of Justice: In the Hands of Farmers Saturday 10:00AM LNS 37 min. USC Canada in collaboration with the Gaia Foundation, 2015 Filmmaker: Jess Phillimore Seeds of Justice follows Ethiopian plant geneticist Dr Melaku Worede’s inspirational work to value...

The Brainwashing of My Dad – 10:00 am FFR – 90 min.
The Brainwashing of My Dad Saturday 10:00AM FFR 90 min., 2016 Filmmaker: Jen Senko As filmmaker, Jen Senko, tries to understand the transformation of her father from a non political, life-long US Democrat to an angry right-wing...

Pan: Our Musical Odyssey – 10:45 am LNS – 53 min.
Pan: Our Musical Odyssey Saturday 10:45AM LNS 53 min. , 2015 Directors: Jerome Guiot and Thierry Teston During World War II, Trinidad & Tobago's underprivileged urban gangs stole oil drums to create a new musical instrument - the Steelpan. This...

Alive and Kicking: The Soccer Grannies of South Africa – 11:45am SID – 19 min.
Alive and Kicking: The Soccer Grannies of South Africa Saturday 11:45AM SID 19 min. 2015 Filmmaker: Lara-Ann deWet Filmed in the heart of Limpopo, South Africa, the village grannies (aged 55 - 84) lace up their soccer boots and start kicking their way through...

WEconomics – 11:45 am UNS – 20 min.
WEconomics Saturday 11:45AM UNS 20 min. McNabb/ Connolly, 2016 Filmmakers: Mark Dworkin & Melissa Young The Emilia-Romagna region in northern Italy has one of the highest concentrations of cooperative businesses in the developed world. The capital, Bologna,...

Planetary – 12:10 pm SID – 53 min.
Planetary Saturday 12:10PM SID 53 min. McNabb/Connolly, 2015 Director: Guy Reid Planetary is a provocative and breathtaking wake-up call – a cross continental, cinematic journey, that explores our cosmic origins and our future as a species. It is a poetic and...

We Regret to Inform You – 12:10 pm FFR – 11 min.
We Regret to Inform You Saturday 12:10PM FFR 11 min. NFB, 2016 Filmmakers: Eva Colmers & Heidi Janz In a check-box society that functions by dividing us into neatly-defined categories, where does someone with a strong mind and a weak body fit in? Dr. Heidi...

The Sea Between Us – 12:15 pm LNS – 30 min.
The Sea Between Us Saturday 12:15PM LNS The Sea Between Us 22 min, 2016 Refuge 8 min, 2016 Filmmaker: Caoimhe Butterly The Sea Between Us was filmed in early 2016. These are the stories of some of the women, men and children who have made the perilous sea...

Unbroken Ground – 12:20 pm UNS – 26 min.
Unbroken Ground Saturday 12:20PM UNS 26 min. Patagonia, 2016 Director: Chris Malloy Unbroken Ground explores the critical role food plays in finding solutions to the environmental crisis. The vast majority of our food is produced using methods that reduce...
4 Short Films – 12:25 – 12:55 pm FFR
Diversity & Inclusion - 2016 Comox Valley Art Gallery Youth Media Project - Saturday 12:25PM FFR Tales of Kona 3 min. A film by Michaela Planomaniac A fun and light play on the roles of service dogs Identity Crisis 2 min. A film by Sienna Orbell Educating...

River Blue – 1:15 pm UNS – 96 min.
River Blue Saturday 1:15PM UNS 95 min. , 2016 Director: Roger Williams Following international river conservationist, Mark Angelo, River Blue spans the globe to infiltrate one of the world’s most polluting industries, fashion. Narrated by...

Drumbeats & Dreams – 1:15 pm FFR – 12 min.
Drumbeats and Dreams Saturday 1:15PM FFR 12 min., 2016 Filmmaker: Ed Carswell (in attendance) Zena is graduating from Merritt Secondary School but the journey was not easy. From the haunting past of residential schools to the ongoing lack of...

Family Films 1:15 pm – 2:45 Lower SID (Fountain Level)
Family Venue (5 Films) 1:15pm – 2:45pm Free for children, $5 for adults without a pass (children must be accompanied by an adult) Water Detectives 12 min. NFB After a severe water shortage in Matamoros, thousands of children were trained as water detectives with the...

Migrant Dreams – 1:20 pm SID – 90 min.
Migrant Dreams Saturday 1:20PM SID 90 min., 2016 Director: Min Sook Lee Migrant Dreams exposes the underbelly of the Canadian government's Temporary Foreign Worker Program which empower brokers and growers to exploit and deceive migrant...

The Resurrection of Victor Jara – 1:20 pm LNS – 89 min.
The Resurrection of Victor Jara Saturday 1:20PM LNS 89 min. 2015 Filmmaker: John Travers This feature documentary presents the heroic yet tragic story of Victor Jara: from his rise to prominence as a noted theater director, to his years as a folk-inspired...

Keepers of the Coast – 1:35 pm FFR – 38 min.
Keepers of the Coast Saturday 1:35PM FFR 38 min. 2016 Filmmaker: Twyla Roscovich (in attendance) The central coast of BC is one of the most spectacular and biologically rich places left on the planet – where ancient temperate rainforest intertwines with the...

Tracing Roots – 2:25 pm FFR – 35 min.
Tracing Roots Saturday 2:20PM FFR 35 min. New Day Films, 2014 Director: Ellen Frankenstein Tracing Roots is a portrait of an artist and a mystery. The film follows master weaver and Haida elder Delores Churchill on a journey to understand the origins of a...

How I Got Over – 3:05 pm LNS – 87 min.
How I Got Over Saturday 3:05PM LNS 87 min. McNabb/ Connolly, 2014 Director: Nicole Boxer How I Got Over is an intimate profile of 15 formerly homeless and incarcerated African-American women that dramatically reveals the social causes of their plight and how...

Atlantic – 3:15 pm SID – 75 min.
Atlantic Saturday 3:15PM SID 75 min., 2016 Director: Risteárd Ó Domhnaill Narrator: Brendan Gleeson Atlantic follows the fortunes of three small fishing communities in Ireland, Norway and Newfoundland, united and divided by the...

Driving With Selvi – 3:15 pm UNS – 74 min.
Driving With Selvi Saturday 3:15PM UNS 74 min. Eyesfull Productions, 2015 Filmmaker: Elisa Paloschi Selvi, like so many girls living within India’s patriarchal culture, is forced to marry at a young age, only to find herself in a violent and abusive marriage....

Wheel of Life – 3:15 pm FFR – 15 min.
Wheel of Life Saturday 3:15PM FFR 15 min. Patchwork Films, 2015 Director: Ken Schneider Meet El Oso (the Bear), one of the founders of Casino, the Cuban dance that launched salsa. A simple man whose joie de vivre is a delight, Oso travels through his Havana regaling...

Havana Curveball – 3:35 pm FFR – 56 min.
Havana Curveball Saturday 3:35PM FFR 56 min. Patchwork Films, 2015 Director: Ken Schneider Havana Curveball is a heart-warming coming-of-age story about Mica, an ordinary American teenager who faces extraordinary challenges when he sets his heart on donating...

The Babushkas of Chernobyl – 4:40 pm UNS – 96 min.
The Babushkas of Chernobyl Saturday 4:40PM UNS 96 min., 2015 Director: Holly Morris In the radioactive Dead Zone surrounding Chernobyl’s Reactor No. 4, a defiant community of women scratches out an existence on some of the most toxic...

Prison Dogs – 4:40 pm FFR – 72 min.
Prison Dogs Saturday 4:40PM FFR 72 min. Journeyman Pictures, 2016 Directors: Perri Peltz and Geeta Gandbhir “Puppies Behind Bars” is a remarkable program that sees New York convicts raise and train service dogs for up to three years. The inmates live with the...

Angry Inuk – 10:00 am SID – 83 min.
Angry Inuk Saturday 10:00AM SID 83 min. NFB, 2016 Director: Alethea Arnaquq-Baril In her film Angry Inuk, Inuit director Alethea Arnaquq-Baril joins a new tech-savvy generation of Inuit as they campaign to challenge long-established perceptions of seal hunting. Though...

A New Economy – 10:00 am UNS – 85 min.
A New Economy Saturday 10:00AM UNS 85 min. Domain 7 Studio Director: Trevor Meier What if working together for the good of all was the most common business model? Watch, as several organizations strive towards building a more cooperative future. By rewarding...

KONELĪNE: Our Land Beautiful – 7:30 pm SID – 96 min.
KONELĪNE: Our Land Beautiful Opening Night 7:30 SID 96 min. Canada Wild Productions, 2016 Director: Nettie Wild (in attendance) Cinematography: Van Royko KONELĪNE is a sensual, cinematic celebration of northwestern British Columbia, and all the dreamers who...

Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret – 10:00am 85min. FFR
Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret Saturday 10:00am FFR 85 min. 2014 Filmmaker: Kip Andersen Cowspiracy follows filmmaker Kip Andersen as he uncovers one of the most destructive industries facing the planet today and investigates why the...

The Hand That Feeds -11:40am 84min. LNS
The Hand That Feeds Saturday 11:40am LNS 84 min. 2014 McNabb Connolly Filmmaker: Robin Blotnick At a popular bakery café, residents of New York's Upper East Side get bagels and coffee served with a smile 24 hours a day. Behind the...

24 Hour Drum – 11:40am 34 min. UNS
24 Hour Drum - Aboriginal Youth in the Sea to Sky Saturday 11:40am UNS 2015 Produced by School District 48 Filmmaker: Ed Carswell This film follows a three month journey taken by an Aboriginal Youth Leadership group in BC’s Sea to Sky corridor....

Nefertiti’s Daughters – 11:40am 39min. FFR
Nefertiti's Daughters Saturday 11:40am FFR 39 min. 2015 Icarus Films Director: Mark Nickolas Nefertiti's Daughters is a story of women, art and revolution. Told by prominent Egyptian artists, this documentary witnesses the critical...

Circus Without Borders – 11:40am 70min. SID
Circus Without Borders Saturday 11:30am SID 70 min. 2015 Kinosmith Director: Susan Gray Circus Without Borders is a documentary about Guillaume Saladin and Yamoussa Bangoura, best friends and world-class acrobats from remote corners of...

Facing Fear – 12:30pm 23min. FFR
Facing Fear Saturday 12:30pm FFR 23 min. 2014 McNabb Connolly Filmmaker: Jason Cohen Worlds collide when a former neo-Nazi skinhead and the gay victim of his hate crime attack meet by chance 25 years after the incident that dramatically...

Little Moccasins – 12:30pm 10min. UNS
Little Moccasins Saturday 12:30pm UNS 10 min. 2014 Ken Matheson Productions Little Moccasins is about young students honouring First Nations children who died and were buried in unmarked graves while attending the Dunbow Indian Residential School near Calgary...

Hishuk-ish t’sawalk (Everything is One) – 12:45pm 15min. UNS
Hishuk-ish t'sawalk (Everything is One) Saturday 12:45pm UNS 15 min. 2013 Writer/ Producer: Drew Burke Filming and Editing: Mark Wyatt Our coast is one of the most beautiful places in the world, but decades of destructive logging, mining and development...

Following the Ninth: In the Footsteps of Beethoven’s Final Symphony – 1:10pm 79min. SID
Following the Ninth: In the Footsteps of Beethoven's Final Symphony Saturday 1:10pm SID 79 min. 2013 Director: Kerry Candaele Filmed on 5 continents and in 12 countries, Following The Ninth is the story of people whose lives have been...

The Pass System – 1:10pm 50min. UNS
The Pass System Saturday 1:10pm UNS 50 min. 2015 Director: Alex Williams The Pass System illuminates Canada’s hidden history of racial segregation. For over 60 years, the...

The True Cost – 1:10pm 92min. FFR
The True Cost Saturday 1:10pm FFR 92 min. 2015 McNabb/Connolly Director: Andrew Morgan This is a story about clothing. It is about the clothes we wear, the people who make them and the impact it's having on our world. The price of “fast...

Resistencia: The Fight for the Aguan Valley – 1:15pm 91min. LNS
Resistencia: The Fight for the Aguan Valley Saturday 1:15pm LNS 91 min. 2014 Naretiv Productions Filmmaker: Jesse Freeston In 2009, the first coup d’état in a generation overthrows the elected president of Honduras, plunging the whole...

A Sorry State – 2:05pm 47min. UNS
A Sorry State Saturday 2:05pm UNS 47 min. 2012 McNabb/Connolly Filmmaker: Mitch Miyagawa Is saying "sorry" enough? In 1988, Mitch Miyagawa’s Japanese-Canadian family received an apology from Prime Minister Brian Mulroney for the internment of...

After Winter, Spring – 3:00pm 74min. UNS
After Winter, Spring Saturday 3:00pm UNS 74 min. 2013 McNabb/Connolly Director: Judith Lit After Winter, Spring is a beautiful and intimate look into the lives of contemporary French peasants who heroically struggle to maintain the dignity...

Jumbo Wild – 3:05pm 60min. SID
Jumbo Wild Saturday 3:05pm SID 60 min 2015 FilmSprout Director: Nick Waggoner For decades, First Nations, conservationists, backcountry skiers and snowboarders have fought a proposed large-scale ski resort deep in the Purcell Mountains near Invermere, BC. After...

The Fisherman’s Son – 3:10pm 29min. LNS
The Fisherman's Son Saturday 3:10pm LNS 29 min. 2015 FilmSprout Filmmaker: Chris Malloy Ramon Navarro, a third-generation subsistence fisherman and farmer who lives on the coast of Chile at Punta Lobos, learned to surf on a broken surfboard left by a visiting...

We Call Them Intruders – 3:10pm 56min. FFR
We Call Them Intruders Saturday 3:10pm FFR 56 min. 2015 Cinécoop Productions Filmmakers: Susi Porter-Bopp & Tamara Herman How well do you know your money? Two Vancouver-based filmmakers trace their investments to Canadian...

Knitting Nannas – 3:50pm 22min. LNS
Knitting Nannas Saturday 3:50pm LNS 22 min 2013 Frogmouth Films Director: Rani Brown Knitting Nannas Against Gas is a group of sweet ladies who ‘protest’ by unfolding some lawn chairs, popping the kettle on and knitting. The KNAGs, who...

Lowdown Tracks – 4:20pm 86min. SID
Lowdown Tracks Saturday 4:20pm SID 86 min. 2015 McNabb/ Connolly Director: Shelley Saywell Music is an expression of the spirit for everyone. But for some who survive on the periphery of society, it can also be a life-saving coping...

Landfill Harmonic – 4:25pm 85min. UNS
Landfill Harmonic Saturday 4:25pm UNS 85 min. 2015 The Film Collaborative Director: Graham Townsley Landfill Harmonic follows the Recycled Orchestra of Cateura, a Paraguayan musical youth group of kids that live next to one of...

ĀINA – 8:00pm 23min. SID
ĀINA Closing Night – 8:00 pm SID 23 min. 2015 Living Ancestors Directors: Dave Mossop & Josh Thome ĀINA (pronounced "eye-nah") means “that which feeds us” in the Hawaiian language. Some of the world's largest chemical companies use the island of Kaua`i as...

Haida Gwaii: On the Edge of the World – 8:00pm 75min. SID
Haida Gwaii: On the Edge of the World Closing Night 8:00pm SID 75 min. 2015 Shore Films Director: Charles Wilkinson Haida Gwaii: On the Edge of the World focuses on life on the archipelago along the northern B.C. coast. It tells the story of the people and the...

How to Change the World – Opening Night 7:30pm 110min. SID
How To Change the World Opening Night 7:30pm SID 110 min. Kinosmith, 2015 Director: Jerry Rothwell Greenpeace was founded on tight knit, passionate relationships forged in Vancouver in the early 1970s. Together these pioneers created a...

Bikes vs. Cars – Saturday 10:00am 88min. UNS
Bikes vs. Cars Saturday 10:00am UNS 88 min. 2015 Kinosmith Director: Fredrik Gertten Bikes vs Cars depicts a global crisis that we need to talk about; climate, Earth's resources, and cities where the entire surface is consumed by cars....

Food Chains – Saturday 10:00am 86min. LNS
Food Chains Saturday 10:00am LNS 86 min. 2015 Director: Sanjay Rawal Farm labour has always been one of the most difficult and poorly paid jobs and has relied on some of the most vulnerable people. Exploitation still exists, ranging from...

Hadwin’s Judgement – Saturday 10:00am 91min. SID
Hadwin's Judgement Saturday 10:00am SID 91 min. 2015 NFB Director: Sasha Snow Grant Hadwin loved the forest, and made his living finding the best routes for roads that cut deep into BC's remote and ancient forests for logging companies....

10:00am UNS – 84 min. The Secret Trial 5
10am The Secret Trial 5 - 84 min. - UNS Blue Ice Docs Director: Amar Wala Imagine spending years in prison without being charged with a crime or knowing exactly what you're accused of. A film about the human impact of the “War on...

10:00am LNS – 83 min. American Revolutionary
10am American Revolutionary - 83 min. - LNS Good Docs Director: Grace Lee Grace Lee Boggs is a 99-year-old Chinese American writer, activist, and philosopher. Rooted for more than 70 years in the African American movement, she has devoted her...

10:00am FFR – 72 min. Shameless Propaganda
10am Shameless Propaganda - 72 min. - FFR NFB Director: Robert Lower This feature film examines its own genre, the documentary, which has often been called Canada's national art form. Released in the year of the NFB's 75th birthday,...

11:30am FFR – 70 min. Connected by Coffee
11:30am Connected by Coffee - 70 min. - FFR Stone Hut Studios Filmmakers: Aaron Dennis & Chelsea Bay Dennis The film follows two North American coffee roasters on a journey across Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaragua to...

11:40am LNS – 64 min. The Man Who Stopped the Desert
11:40am The Man Who Stopped the Desert - 64 min. - LNS 1080 Films Director: Mark Dodd As early as the 1970s, desertification began to creep southwards in the land between the Sahara Desert and forests of tropical Africa. By the...

11:45am SID – 54 min. The Revolutionary Optimists
11:45am The Revolutionary Optimists - 54 min. - SID Collective Eye Films Director: Nicole Newnham & Maren Grainger-Monsen The Revoluntionary Optimists draws us into the world of two 11-year olds with no access to clean...

11:45am UNS – 53 min. Bringing it Home
11:45am Bringing it Home - 53 min. - UNS McNabb/Connolly Directors: Linda Booker & Blaire Johnson A father’s search to find the healthiest building materials leads him to the completion of the first hemp house in the US. ...

1:00pm SID – 88 min. Open Sesame
1pm Open Sesame; the Story of Seeds - 88 min. - SID Director: M Sean Kaminsky One of the world’s most precious resources is at risk. Seeds are essential to life, providing the basis for everything from fabric to...

1:00pm FFR – 85 min. On The Side of the Road
1:00pm FFR - 85 min. On the Side of the Road Naretiv Productions Filmmaker: Lia Tarachansky Tarachansky grew up in Israel's largest settlement, Ariel. When the second Intifadah broke out in 2000 her family moved to Canada where, for the first...

1:00pm UNS – 5 min. Tribal Canoe Journey
1pm Tribal Canoe Journey - 5 min. - UNS Carswell Productions Filmmaker: Ed Carswell This film captures a rare event that happened in 2014 on a warm July evening in the K'omoks Estuary, BC. As part of the annual Tribal Canoe Journey,...

1:00pm LNS – 84 min. Soft Vengeance
1pm Soft Vengeance; Albie Sachs and the New South Africa - 84 min. - LNS Director: Abby Ginzberg Soft Vengeance is an inspiring film about Albie Sachs, a lawyer, writer, art lover and freedom fighter. For his...

1:10pm UNS – 59 min. How a People Live
1:10pm How a People Live - 59 min. - UNS Moving Images Distribution Director: Lisa Jackson The Gwa'sala and the 'Nakwaxda'xw First Nations people lived as two distinct groups along BC's northwest coast. In 1964, for...

2:45pm SID – 88 min. All the Time in the World
2:45pm All the Time in the World: Disconnecting to Reconnect - 88 min. - SID Director: Suzanne Crocker Story Editor: Nettie Wild In search of a new perspective, a family of five leaves...

2:45pm UNS – 95 min. Above All Else
2:45pm Above All Else - 95 min. - UNS Fiege Films Director: John Fiege Above All Else is an intimate portrait of a group of landowners and activists in East Texas who take peaceful direct action to stop construction...

2:55pm LNS – 90 min. A Dangerous Game
2:55pm A Dangerous Game - 90 min. - LNS Director: Anthony Baxter A Dangerous Game is about the environmental, cultural, historical, and human costs of golf, a game that has been hijacked by...

2:55pm FFR – 84 min. The Malagasy Way
2:55pm FFR - 84 min. The Malagasy Way Director: Lova Nantenaina “The Chinese make everything and the Malagasy fix everything.” The people of Madagascar pride themselves on producing things out of nothing;...

4:35pm UNS – 74 min. Just Eat It
4:35pm Just Eat It: A Food Waste Story - 74 min. - UNS Peg Leg Films Filmmakers: Grant Baldwin and Jenny Rustmeyer We all love food, so how could we possibly be throwing away nearly half of it? Filmmakers Jen and...

4:35pm SID – 78min. Alive Inside
4:35pm SID - 78min. Alive Inside Director Michael Rossato-Bennett Alive Inside is a joyous cinematic exploration of music’s capacity to reawaken our souls and uncover the deepest parts of our humanity....

8:00pm SID – 88 min. DamNation
Closing Night 8:00pm DamNation - 88 min. - SID IndieCan Directors: Travis Rummel & Ben Knight This powerful film odyssey across the US explores the sea change in attitude from pride in big dams as engineering wonders to the growing awareness that our own future...
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8:20pm SID – 82 min. Becoming Bulletproof
Opening Night 8:30pm Becoming Bulletproof - 82 min - SID Director: Michael Barnett Joy and persistence triumph over adversity in this award-winning documentary about a diverse group of people from across North America who come...

10:00am SID – 88 min. Marmato
10am Marmato - 88 min - SID Calle Films Director: Mark Gieco If Colombia is the focal point of the new global gold rush, then Marmato, a mining town with over 500 years of mining history, is the new frontier. Gold, estimated to be worth 20...

7:30pm SID – 22 min. Reaching Blue
Opening Night 7:30pm Reaching Blue - 22 min - SID Global Reef Films Filmmakers: Ian Hinkle and Andy Robertson An oyster farmer, a writer and an ocean scientist share their thoughts about a coastal way of life under threat, where stories from...