Interspecies Relationships – Shorts Program – FFR

Pacific Herring: Small Fish, Big Problem
11:45 am – 10 min.
Pacific Herring need our help if we are to save the salmon, killer whales and other marine species in the Salish Sea. This film explains why we need to stop the commercial herring roe seine fishery around Hornby Island, one of the most important spawning areas on the B.C. coast.

The 100 Year Old Whale
12:00 pm – 14 min.
Middle Child Films
Director: Mark Leiren-Young
Orcas live in a matriarchal society. The matriarch of the southern resident orcas, known as “Granny”, lived to be 105 years old. She survived the eras when whales were on everyone’s menu and her family members were harpooned, shot, captured and put on display. What will be the future for her family?

Flying With Ravens
12:15 pm – 14 min.
Filmmaker: Ed Homer
Flying with Ravens is the story of Mick Maxted and the two ravens that he has been feeding on Mt Washington since 2010. Mick and his partner Lynn have a close relationship with these two characters affectionately known as