Film Series

Black History Month Film Screenings
Black History Month Film Screenings

To celebrate Black History Month, we're screening several films online - available any time over the weekend of Feb. 26 - 28. CLICK HERE to PRE-ORDER TICKETS & watch trailers. This is a great opportunity to learn more about this history both in Canada and the US....


** Click Here to Pre-Order Tickets (Individual $10, Household $16, Low Income & Students $6) (2020, 100 min.)  This is the compelling story of teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg. Starting with her one-person school strike for climate action outside the...

Film Screening: River City Drumbeat. Dec 26-29
Film Screening: River City Drumbeat. Dec 26-29

Bring some joy into your holiday season with World Community’s film series screening of River City Drumbeat (95 min), online from Dec. 26 – Dec 29th. The film is a reminder that there is kindness, compassion, and community in this world. This is a powerful story of...

Get Tickets to our Film Festival

Ticket on sale NOW at the Sid Williams Theatre. We have early bird ticket prices if purchased by Dec. 31st. CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE TICKETS. See all film schedules & descriptions on our website! ______________________________________ VOLUNTEER CALL-OUT FOR WORLD...

Film Screening: Us & Them   Wednesday Dec 7th – 7pm NIC

Film Screening: Us & Them Wednesday Dec 7th – 7pm NIC

How do we relate to people who are homeless? Can we make meaningful connections with people who seem to be quite different from us? These are some of the themes explored in the film Us and Them being co-presented by World Community and the Immigrant Welcome Centre on...

Film Screening: Tues, Nov. 22nd, 7pm at NIC Theatre, Courtenay

Film Screening: Tues, Nov. 22nd, 7pm at NIC Theatre, Courtenay

Sonic Sea is a 60-minute documentary about the devastating impact of industrial and military ocean noise on whales and other marine life. The film begins with a mystery: the unexplained stranding and mass mortality of several species of whales in the Bahamas in March...

Film Screening: Two Trains Runnin’ – Monday Nov. 7th, 7pm at NIC

Film Screening: Two Trains Runnin’ – Monday Nov. 7th, 7pm at NIC

Music, history and politics are laced in Sam Pollard's rousing new documentary, Two Trains Runnin'  You had to be very brave or very foolish to venture into Mississippi in the summer of 1964. The civil rights movement was coming to a boil. But three East Coast music...

Film Screening: Spirit Unforgettable – Tuesday, Oct. 25th 7pm

Film Screening: Spirit Unforgettable – Tuesday, Oct. 25th 7pm

NIC Theatre, Courtenay Breaking News: Drummer of Spirit of the West, Vince Ditrich, will be at the screening and be available for questions  -  The story of iconic Canadian band Spirit of the West, and lead singer John Mann’s battle with early onset Alzheimer’s. The...

World Community Film Series

-    Where to Invade Next   -   Wed.  Aug. 24,  7- 9pm  -   NIC Theatre, Courtenay Academy Award®-winning director Michael Moore is back with WHERE TO INVADE NEXT: a provocative and hilarious comedy in which Moore will stop at nothing to figure out how to actually...

Film Screening: Lowdown Tracks – Tues. March 29 – 7pm at NIC

Back by popular demand, World Community is screening the award-winning film, Lowdown Tracks (86 min.) at the Stan Hagen Theatre, North Island College. Music is an expression of the spirit for everyone. But for some who survive on the periphery of society, it can also...

Film Screening: Mavis – Tues. Feb 23, 7pm at NIC

Mavis! is the first feature documentary on gospel/soul music legend and civil rights icon Mavis Staples and her family group, The Staple Singers. From the freedom songs of the ’60s and hits like “I’ll Take You There" in the ’70s, to funked-up collaborations with...

Past Events: Film Screening : Fractured Land

Wednesday, Nov. 4th -  7:00 pm at North Island College Theatre, Courtenay Come see the award-winning documentary film Fractured Land - the coming-of-age story of young Aboriginal lawyer Caleb Behn and his struggle to reconcile the fractures within himself and the...