World Community Future Vision Event

Help us set directions at the

World Community Future Vision Event

Thursday November 17, 6 – 9 pm, Creekside Commons Cohousing

Light refreshments will be provided.

Location:  2202 Lambert Drive, Courtenay

We are looking for your ideas & inspiration to chart directions for our future. 

Food will be ready at 6:00 pm and we will start our introduction about 6:15 pm.


For the past three decades, World Community has raised the profile of social justice and environmental issues both locally and globally.

We’ve done this together by:

Fair Trade Sales: Our proceeds from selling coffee, tea, chocolate, oil, and spices have supported local organisations, community health in Nicaragua, as well as farmers in both Assam and Palestine.

Film Screenings:  Our annual Film Festival and periodic Film Series have offered hundreds of incisive documentaries to thousands of viewers.

Community Programming: We often partnered with community groups to create and host events with inspirational guest speakers.

Are these the most relevant directions for our future together? You’re invited to help with this task. 

Please RSVP – Ed Carswell at