Film Series: Walk On: The Horse Healer – Online Oct. 8-11. 

The natural qualities of horses can be beneficial for people with physical or psychological limitations. World Community’s film series continues online over the Thanksgiving weekend with the beautiful new film Walk On: The Horse Healer (52 min) by Denman Island filmmaker, Francois Laliberte. The film documents the healing process involved in Equine Assisted Therapy; it will be available to start watching at any time from Friday October 8th through Monday October 11th (with 48 hours to complete).

Tickets are $10/ individual, $16/ household or $8/ limited income.

CLICK HERE to watch the film trailer and pre-order tickets.

There are several touching accounts of providers treating individuals with a horse as partner. Riding instructors, therapists, counselors and riders all witnessed amazing moments of healing and rehabilitation. 

Trudy Beaton, board member of the Comox Valley Therapeutic Riding Society says ” I have been a fan of this program for many years. More recently, I have truly understood the value of therapeutic riding watching a neighbourhood child blossom in the program, and sharing his family’s pride in his achievements.” 

A bonus feature will be an interview with Francois Laliberte who travelled the country collecting stories and images beautifully demonstrating this unique therapy. Our local Therapeutic Riding Society is one organization featured in the film; proceeds from the screening will be shared with the society.