Film Series: March 26 – 28

Mental Ilness was affecting 1 in 5 Canadians even before Covid 19 increased those numbers.  The new documentary, Orchestrating Change (85 min) tells the inspiring story of the Me2/Orchestra, the only orchestra in the world created by and for people living with mental illness and those who support them. 

The orchestra’s mission is to erase the stigmatization of people living with mental illness through the creation of beautiful music, community, compassion and understanding…one concert at a time. Most importantly, it is changing the lives of the musicians and audiences in ways they never imagined.

With compelling characters, animation, even humour, Orchestrating Change addresses many of the myths about mental illness by showing what living with a mental illness is really like—with both setbacks and accomplishments. The film challenges audiences to reconsider their preconceived notions about mental illness. For those living with a diagnosis, it is empowering.

The film culminates in an extraordinary concert that is a triumph for Me2/Orchestra’s conductor and co-founder, Ronald Braunstein, who lives with bipolar disorder and thought he might never conduct again, and for the musicians, their families and the audience.


CLICK HERE to PRE-ORDER TICKETS  ($10/ individual,  $16/ household, $8 limited income)