Coming Home to Grandmother’s Garden

1:40 PM  (17 min)
Filmmaker: Ed Carswell

The film follows the story of three inspiring people: Sulatiye’ (Maiya Modeste), Elder Ken Elliott, and Dr. Shannon Waters.

Sulatiye’ (Maiya Modeste) :  “I have big dreams for our grandmother’s garden. I hope to see a future where our youth are putting camas on Elders plates, that they know how to harvest it, how to preserve it, how to cultivate it, and how to cook it, and that our Elders know traditional foods and traditional meals before they pass. That has always been my dream.  I think of my Great-grandfather’s words, that whole mountainside being blue with camas.

Elder, Ken Elliot : “I grew up in one of the Garry Oak ecosystems on the Cowichan Reserve. We had that intimate relationship with the land, we could go to different locations to do our harvesting, wherever it may have been in our territory. And so that’s what we’re trying to learn to understand. How do we share this message about sharing?”

Filmmaker in attendance.