Addressing Climate Change – Part 4 – Tuesday, October 1st at 7pm – Upper Native Sons Hall

What if the lifestyle changes needed to reduce our environmental impacts actually made our lives more meaningful, rewarding and fun? Join World Community for its final night of public events in the series “The Climate Crisis: Adaptation, Activism and Resilience” 

Organized as a bazaar or marketplace of ideas, “Opportunities for Personal and Community Action” will feature presentations and displays by local change makers – businesses, non-profits and individuals –  who offer concrete ways to reduce our carbon footprint and enhance resilience at the family and community level.

Learn how to add renewable energy to your home, reduce food and packaging waste, invest in planet-healing ventures or thrive by living in cohousing. Have a good idea? Audience members will be encouraged to share their own suggestions and aspirations for changes that we can undertake now.

In the coming decades it is anticipated that climate instability will affect every aspect of our lives. Learning what we can do now to mitigate our impacts is crucial; building the capacity to adapt and thrive in a changing world is equally critical. Perhaps most important is seizing the opportunity this change presents us to begin to re-orient our lives towards the kinds of positive changes that will bring deeper life satisfaction and greater connection with our community.

Randy Chatterjee
Tony Edwards
Tom Dishlevoy
James McKerricher
Nancy Gothard  and Ryan O’Grady
Ginette Matthews
Elaine Codling
Helen Boyd
Admission is free. Everyone is welcome. For more information contact 250-650-8694
Here is an overview of the Action Items discussed after the event:
“Continue to rethink everything – less consumption, more conscious consumption”
“Bus travel”
“Solar panels installed and predominantly a plant-based diet”
“Buying more and more local produce”
“Sell my second car!”
“Less time on Facebook (ha ha)”
“Participate in the Eco-Challenge”
“Consciously avoid single use plastics”
“Invest in low/no carbon ventures”
Good Ideas
Plant two trees a year and keep them watered
Community-based carbon offset program
Adopt a stream
Turn down the heat and put on socks and sweaters
Create an estuary coordinating body
Stop all outside burning
Have more marches
Free buses
Improve the bus system – better network required
More of this kind of fair. It’s a buzz!
More bike lanes and connections for bike routes
Bikes not planes!